Balance Bike ·
Review ·
Mums Lounge Mum, Fiona, gives the thumbs up with her 3 year old son on the E-250L Balance Bike

These days it is becoming well known that getting your child onto a balance bike as early as possible will give them the skills they will need when they progress to a pedal bike a few years later down the track.
Fiona fondly remembers her learning-to-ride days... "I remember my days learning to ride a bike. The riding part was easy enough once I got a good push from dad. It was the stopping that got my fear levels racing! As I was racing down the driveway on my faux-BMX yelling for dad to help me stop, he was yelling for me to put my feet back on the pedals to lock the wheels! The heavy bike just wouldn't stop! "Balance Bikes give toddlers and pre-schoolers the ability to ride with confidence quickly. With this ability to balance, you should also find that your child doesn't need to use trainer wheels when they graduate to a pedal bike. A confidence booster all around.This is the confidence I see in my son, William (nearly 3 years). He can manoeuvre the bike easily, start and stop easily..."