Last year we followed the adventure of 9 year old Miles and his Mum, Jayne, as they rode the 5 day event of the 2014 Great Victorian Bike Ride. It was a great opportunity to find out, from both their perspectives, what it is like to go on a bike riding/adventure/camping holiday with thousands of other people. In preparation for the 2015 event, Miles and Jayne rode, and "had a brilliant time on the recent Great East Rail Trail Ride". It was a 100km ride from Bairnsdale to Orbost, over three days with about 85 other riders.
"A gentle journey on the 100 km East Gippsland Rail Trail. No traffic. Gentle hills. Forest, farmland and friendly country towns. Picnics by river, lake and vines."
Jayne commented that, "It was a great ride There were a few youngsters in the 4 & 6 yrs range - on tag alongs. I think it's kind of nicer if kids can ride the whole thing themselves, though."

This year, Miles and his Mum, Jayne, will be riding the 9 day full event ride of the Great Victorian Bike Ride. This is a huge challenge and so exciting - 540km in total from Saturday 28 November to Sunday 6 December. We look forward to hearing about the adventure as it rolls out! Links: